The Royal Shih Tzu Garden

The Royal Shih Tzu Garden Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

CH. solaris avis Passionate

femelle Shih Tzu née le 05/01/2013

CH. solaris avis Passionate

Informations sur CH. solaris avis Passionate

Sexe Femelle
Couleur Blanc/Doreé
Puce 985170002488419
Tatouage Q090
Inscrit au LOF ? Suisse

Les parents

Palmares dtitrese CH. solaris avis Passionate

- Junior Champion of Macedonia

- Junior Champion of Germany Club VK

- Junior Champion of Germany VDH

- Junior Champion of San Marino

- Junior Champion of Switzerland

- junior Champion of Cyprus

- Junior Champion of Montenegro

- Junior Champion of Moldova

- Junior Champion of Slovenja

- Internationaler Champion FCI

- Campion of Switzerland

- Campion of Germany VDH

- Champion of Germany Club VK

- Campion of Austria

- Campion of San Marino

- Champion of Croatia

- Champion of Slovenja

- Champion of Serbia

- Champion of Rumania

- Grand Champion of Rumania

- Champion of Bulgaria

- Champion of Luxenbourg

- Landes Sieger Leibzig 2014

- Landes Sieger Leibzig 2015

- German Winner 2015